Haziran 05, 2007


My nonhero is a ghost in a grossmarket, standing still before a white wall under artificial melon vapor. Wants to know how flat one can be under heavy flow, for no reason at all. Steers her mind in the airport panorama with a vegetable's consciousness...
Rule 1: connect
She wants to become a humanonion. Turn the whole place into the largest vegetable on earth capable of absorbing the entire flow with its particles
Rule 2: disconnect
In any market, everybody is connected to the spatial grid: rows and columns;
and to the ergonomic grid: one hand grasps tight the shopping chart, the other hand that embraces the egg box;
and to the musical grid: Boston Pop, vocals by the announcing girl. Like a bird, she sings the 'hours for sale' song to mark the territory of the cheapest departments. (chorus: OOooou how these little things can make one happiiii).

To connect, you have to disconnect. From every social bond, any organic bond...

(> but, what about james bond???)

Slide down towards the slot into the Panoptikon Chamber (PC), connect to the flow.
No dogs allowed. So, to pick up one among several dog foods you have to try first. Taste some 'bone machine'.
No touch. Keep the distances written on the ergonomic grid.
No speech sounds. Follow the musical grid.
NO GAZE. Don't make others disconnect (by connecting them to yourself). Also
PLEASE DON'T GAZE BACK AT THE CAMERAS, for they don't gaze back at you; but guarantee your connection by securing your isolation in the Panoptikon Chamber. Any rational motive may disconnect, thus be found worthy for a capital judgement: unbroken disconnection.
Just flow.

Rule 1: con >be where you are< nect
So, The Ghost in the Grossmarket wants to become a gi4nt humanonion, without b3ing noticed wants to turn the whle pl4c3 into the most priimiitiive org g g geeanism on earth. As she disconn_nnocsid_ects by the approaching guard, prRRepared 4 a defense attt4ck, he connects: "D8 Y8U THINK M8V3M3NT 4ND SP4C3 IS N3C3SS4RY F8R Y8U T8 3XIST?"